Post/Reply to Questions

How do I post a Question to the NEW 'Listserv'?

Option A

  1. Login to ChiroConnect at
  2. Click on 'My Communities'.
  3. Go to the Discussions Online community. 
  4. Click on the blue 'Post to This Discussion' button. 
  5. Fill out the Subject line - be descriptive. 
  6. Type your question in the window.
  7. Click on the blue 'SEND' button at the bottom.  
Option B

  1. Login to ChiroConnect at 
  2. Select 'Participate' on the main menu. 
  3. Select 'Post a Message'. 
  4. Change the Select Discussion option option to 'Discussions Online'. 
  5. Fill out the Subject line - be descriptive. 
  6. Type your question in the window. 
  7. Click on the blue 'SEND' button at the bottom.  
Option C

  1. In your email box, from the email COCSA Daily Digest for the Discussion Online Community, ->Click on 'Post New Message' which will open an email to send to  ->send an email like usual.  
Option D

  1. Send an email directly to: